Not good enough

When I was diagnosed with ADHD at 53, the first thing I did was join a lot of forums on social media. I researched the condition and realised that a lot of people get help and support from an ADHD coach, alongside other treatments like medication and counselling. So I trained as a coach and I’ve worked with many clients since then.

One of the difficult things about coaching is hearing that so many people have unhelpful self beliefs and negative perceptions about their value and worth. Many clients have low self esteem and genuinely think they are not good enough in some way. It could be that they are too messy, too loud, too disorganised or just too much.

Whatever some people achieve in life – family, friends, work, love, hobbies, passions – they still believe they are not good enough. Coaching helps people to reframe negative or limiting self beliefs into positive, supportive understanding and self appreciation. We can identify where the mean, undermining messages are coming from and work out ways to turn them into kind, loving affirmations.

We are all good enough and we all have our strengths and beauty. Finding that belief can requires hard work and practice. Developing kind new ways to talk to ourselves and doing it every single day takes commitment. But it can be done, and we really can know in our hearts that we are good enough and sometimes more than good enough.

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